Poin Penting

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Kota Tua Jakarta

Kota Tua Jakarta adalah dahulu dikenal sebagai Batavia Lama (Oud Batavia). Sebuah wilayah kecil di Jakarta, Indonesia, atau wilayah khusus ini memiliki luas 1,3 kilometer persegi melintasi Jakarta Utara dan Jakarta Barat (Pinangsia, Taman Sari dan Roa Malaka).

Pada abad ke-16 oleh pelayar Eropa dijuluki "Permata Asia" dan "Ratu dari Timur", Jakarta Lama dianggap sebagai pusat perdagangan untuk benua Asia, selain lokasinya yang strategis, juga kaya akan sumber daya.

Tahun 1526, Fatahillah, dikirim oleh Kesultanan Demak, untuk menyerang pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa di kerajaan Hindu Pajajaran, yang kemudian dinamai Jayakarta. Kota ini awalnya hanya seluas 15 hektare dan memiliki tata kota pelabuhan tradisional Jawa.
Tahun 1619, VOC menghancurkan Jayakarta di bawah komando Jan Pieterszoon Coen, dan satu tahun kemudian, VOC membangun kota baru bernama Batavia untuk menghormati Batavieren, leluhur bangsa Belanda. Kota ini terpusat di sekitar tepi timur Sungai Ciliwung, yang saat ini kita kenal dengan nama Lapangan Fatahillah.

Tahun 1635, kota ini meluas hingga tepi barat Sungai Ciliwung, yang kemudian dirancang dengan gaya Belanda Eropa lengkap dengan benteng (Kasteel Batavia), dinding kota, dan kanal.

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics

Building Arts and Ceramics Museum was built in 1870. Initially used as the Dutch judiciary or Read Van Justitie, then during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia's struggle for independence and the building was used as a military barracks. Subsequently in 1967 used as West Jakarta Mayor's office. In 1986 used as an office and the Department of History Museum Jakarta until 1975. 

Gedung Joang '45 or Joang '45 Museum

Joang '45 Museum is one museum in Jakarta. Currently management implemented by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Jakarta. The museum is located at Jalan Menteng 31, Village Kebon Sirih, District of Menteng, Central Jakarta. The museum was inaugurated in 1974 by President Soeharto, after being renovated.

This can be seen in the museum traces the struggle of independence of Indonesia with a collection of relics of the warrior Indonesia. Among them are the official car of President and First Vice President, known as car number REP 1 and REP 2. In addition there is also a collection of photos of the documentation and paintings that depict the struggle around the year 1945-1950's. Some figures appear also in the form of struggle statues chest.

Source : http://jakarta-tourism.go.id/content/id/296/museum-joang-45

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Museum Bahari Indonesia

 Maritime Museum Indonesia
At the end of the North Tower Syahbandar Maharashtra, precisely at the ancient port of Sunda Kelapa area, stand Maritime Museum (Maritime Museum), which showcased a variety of relics in the ancient Dutch VOC in the form of a model or a small replica, photo, painting and various models of traditional boats, boat the original, navigation tools, harbor and other objects associated with the maritime Indonesia. The museum is trying to portray to the visitors about the fishing traditions of the ancestors of Indonesian and also importance to the economy of Indonesian seas of the past until now.